A Better You Cosmetology Association committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning methods to diverse communities on online educational needs. Our mission is to encourage, support, and facilitate quality cosmetology, nail technician, esthetician, and instructor classes. These classes will provide economic empowerment, inspiration, and education to all industry professionals.

About US

A Better You Cosmetology Association was established in 2015 by Debora Geigher. Debora has been a licensed cosmetologist for 40+ years, a licensed cosmetology instructor for 38+ years, and a previous salon owner for 25 years. Her team consists of a diverse group of cosmetology instructors that each brings their own specializations to the team; to include but not limited to hair coloring, hair cutting, makeup, wig making, natural hair styling, Trichology, and business management. We strive to teach these skills and techniques to our students in order for them to become more knowledgeable cosmetologists and better businessmen and businesswomen.

Our motto is

#Read | #Watch | #Learn | #Improve

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